An Observation: Right Or Left? Rev Irvin Stapf, Christ Lutheran, Germantown AALC
Posted by Wittenberg Project on Monday, August 26, 2024 with No comments
In the midst of this political season the terms right and left are in constant use. Each speaker, whether an average citizen, a news commentator, or a politician, is pegged as being some place on a scale between right and left. These supposedly represent a conservative or a liberal point of view. Whatever that is supposed to mean. And when its expressed as "far right" or "far left" it is said with an ample amount of derision. As I mentioned in my last observation this election cycle has raised an excess amount of animosity.
It has also brought the Christian faith into the picture. Particularly after the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump which was for many people seen as God's grace protecting him. I will not disagree that our Lord protected him, but neither will I say that it was God's stamp of approval on his candidacy. That is my point in raising these right and left labels. There must be more to our understanding, and to the guidance of our lives than arbitrary labels.
How would one classify Jesus? Was He to the right or to the left? If we were to ask the Jewish leaders of His day they would probably peg Him as being far left. After all, according to their thinking, He certainly seemed to play fast and loose with the teachings of the elders. If we could ask the man whose withered hand was healed on the Sabbath (Mark 3), and in the midst of the Synagogue service to boot, he would likely say Jesus was far right. Though he would be much too grateful and rejoicing to care about any labels. To God be the Glory!
So where are we as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ? What is the foundation for judgments we make as well as the directions we choose to take in life? Jesus certainly based His life and teaching upon Scripture, what we know as the Old Testament. He knew well the teachings of Moses, the Psalms, the writing of the Prophets, as well as the history of Israel. This was God's word to His chosen people. This was the truth from which John the Baptist taught. It was in these writings that told of the coming Messiah and redemption for the people.(Luke 4:21) It was these texts that Jesus followed and fulfilled.
If we say that Scripture is our guide for life, which as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we certainly should, then we study and live out of God's Word as Jesus did. We also include the New Testament books with the four Gospels, the history of the early church, and the teachings of Jesus' chosen Apostles. The Bible, all 66 books, we take as God's Holy Word. This is the guide for our decisions and actions.
It is also here that the terms liberal and conservative, or left and right, become attached to different interpretations of various passages of scripture. Some want to set aside this of that section as not relevant today, but we cannot do this. And don't ever think that we are more knowledgeable or advanced than they were. This is God's Word we are talking about. All of our great scientific learning doesn't mean a hill of beans compared to that of the God who created us. We must take the Bible as a whole text, letting the statements and principles of one section be understood in light all the other parts of the Bible. The study of Scripture is a life long endeavor. Any book worthy of being a guide for human life should be a daily companion for continued study. There are no contradictions in God's Word for "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
So, forget about being pegged on a left and right scale. Seek the Lord Jesus Christ, stay in the study of God's Holy Word, pray often, and make your decisions to give glory to our Redeemer and Lord. Amen.
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